Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm Seeing Red--Happy Heart Day!!

I hope everyone has a great day--whether you're single, attached, or just don't care--go buy yourself some red... it's such a hot little color to brighten up a neutral palette, add a pop to a casual outfit, or as a smokin' going-out number to make men swoon.  ;)  As seen below, you don't need fire engine red to make a statement. 
While it is not red, I just snabbed the last pair of Franco Sarto's Atlas Pumps in the Taupe Suede on Zappos... and quite pleased with myself.  I blame the recent nibble of nice weather we've been experiencing in DC.  My feet are always ready to knock off the tights and slip into a pair of open-toe shoes!
It's sad when you want to buy a pair of shoes just so you can place them in your shoe collection to look at... which is exactly how I feel about those Charles by Charles David Frilly Peeptoes.  I wouldn't really be able to walk in them... I wouldn't ever have the chance to really get any use out of them.... but boy... would I stare at them in my closet often for their sheer beauty...

1 comment:

  1. i cannot agree more with your comments re: Charles Frilly Peeptoe Pumps. they are simply gorgeous. but yeah, no way could i survive more than five minutes in them before my feet succumb to the pain. if they were two inches lower and came in black (or grey or taupe) suede, they could easily be my version of the perfect pair of shoes.
